Friday, April 25, 2008

1 to 2 good


our society is still "marriage"and "family"as the center. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, "Lonely"has become almost a synonym for single women. This view, saying that Guaijiu Guai, not strange or strange.

have taken the trouble to friends and family always said to me: "or married it, the end of the marriage you Bugu Dan."and some of my friends get married at the bustling, come some time after the Declaration of shells : I would like to from! Then I understand their request. They said that after marriage does not even have time to sit back and look at his word. They agreed the confession: I have not remember who we are has. But even so, they still think: Since this society attach more importance to the Community, then simply forget the self-also no bad.

I still wonder, can end the marriage lonely feeling will disappear? » I have not married, so I did not dare to conclusions. But in any case, I think: a single woman after all the self-courageous choice.

in single culture has not been thoroughly spread to the society, in the face of reality, a single woman was not easy. They also have their hardships, pain and embarrassment. However, the more painful, will mature faster.

single women know how to enjoy the "I"of freedom. When the end of the marriage of a friend sent her husband to work, send their children to school, in the deserted house in the clean up the house, sitting on the floor sigh, single women can Beiqi travelling bags for the long-planned overseas travel.

have more choices are more self-confidence. Many people do not know sometimes a better than 2, this may be because of the lack of cultural sense of it. We have entered a new century, we look forward to the new century, people can definitely single women and the legitimacy of values. Yes, we look forward to such a social cognitive changes, expect to be recognized.

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