Friday, April 25, 2008

Do not let the Americans see


in "Qiwenzhuantie: The open letter to CNN after"The one comment:

[anonymous] Sanson [the United States, Philadelphia] @ 2008-4-19 14:43:49

He (Li Chengpeng) since that criticize the very happy » Americans saw only laugh.

one in the United States because he is also curious if the announcer on the capabilities designed vulgar insult to all Americans, in fact, simply will not let the Americans angry, people will think that this has no ability to think, no more than Jie street just ordinary man.

he thought the United States criticized the "national leader"Let the Americans humiliated. Too ridiculous. Perhaps he will be because our "leaders"were scolded and anger. Americans every day in a variety of ways irony even abusive own president, all kinds of celebrities. Many of them also involved in scandals or sex-related content. He Zizuocongming "hot dogs"that morning by the Americans themselves do not know how many times has. In fact, Americans have become one of the daily entertainment content. Kafu the first of this type of politics is also one of the entertainment show, no one to his words seriously. I do not know how many times he Maguo idiot Bush is doing so.

As for his various sexual and hinted that more will express Americans feel funny. If he acts because the Americans have oral sex or wantonly abuse and AIDS in their words, they will feel that this person is living in the Middle Ages it, they will not change their behavior would not be humiliated. (Incidentally, if not search the Internet, the Chinese people now have oral sex acts may have a few, the AIDS patients in China has exceeded the United States the number of official recognition but also the figures)

As for his Occasional references to study the U.S. Constitution, saying that if the card is unconstitutional to allow all Americans or those with some common sense Xiaodiaotaiya. In the United States basically said nothing unconstitutional, except in Theatre Lane (with deceptive texture) to shout "fire."Do not say that this card service section to clarify repeatedly scolded the Chinese government, even if he really said that the racial discrimination, for example, scolded blacks are inferior peoples, and so on, although to be condemned. However, the constitutional protection. Li heard the news, burning the national flag in the United States are protected by the Constitution.

Lee can not understand the American society of pluralism and tolerance, civil society and the basic bottom line, so it will Huomaosanzhang. Carver, of course not, even refers to the Chinese Government, the wording and context is also a problem. We can also protest, and so on. But he and the other Fenqing is ever really that way.

I very much hope that such a poor level of protest article Do not allow Americans to see translated into English, any more than an American junior high school level of education of the people will have sympathy for the author, and that we Chinese people are like him Not as the basic common sense

original link:!5A3F7E24941F9606!2875.entry

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