Sunday, June 22, 2008

The history of science famous Case - cold fusion events


March 23, 1989, the U.S. University of Utah held a press conference released a major news shocked the world: Ma Dingfu Leixi Man and chemists Stanley Pons of the countries in the world to achieve many physicists have studied for several decades Did not make it a dream - controlled nuclear fusion, once and for all humanity is expected to solve the energy problem.

Nuclear fusion is the lesser of two atomic nuclei meet polymerization into heavier nuclei, and release enormous energy such as solar energy from the sun is within the hydrogen atoms into helium atoms polymerization of fusion. But with atomic nuclei are positively charged, the two atomic nuclei together to polymerization, first of all to overcome the repulsion between same-sex charge. Hydrogen nuclei only with a positive charge, push the smallest, most vulnerable fusion, if we can use the water for hydrogen isotope deuterium fusion of access to energy for human use several millions of years, and there is no nuclear waste is an ideal source of energy. However, to help achieve the fusion of deuterium, it will need heating to the temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius repulsion can be overcome, so intense control how the material » Uncontrolled, it will become a hydrogen bomb. At present physicists to explore in a tokamak is a large and expensive devices to achieve controlled nuclear fusion, in Fuleiximan and Pons announced that it found that when the Tokamak fusion process can only continue to Milliseconds, but was less than the energy consumption of energy, is not practical.

But Fuleiximan and Pons claimed that their fusion can be carried out at room temperature, so called "cold fusion", and the fusion of the high temperature compared to 100 million degrees Celsius, the temperature is cold enough. They used the device is not expensive reactor, but a simple electrolysis pool: a rare metal used in manufacturing electrode (cathode is platinum, palladium is negative) to immerse containing lithium and the heavy water bottles, the current can - Let the water re-occurrence of deuterium fusion. The whole installation will cost about 100 U.S. dollars.

First is the idea that Fuleiximan. He is head of the British University of Southampton electrochemical. As a well-known electrochemical, and he knew that if we use palladium electrodes do, it is easy absorption of hydrogen ions. Over the years he has been thinking, is there likely to use palladium in the characteristics of the electrolytic method used in the fusion of deuterium to be » In 1984, he retired from the University of Southampton, before the visit to the University of Utah students, long-term collaborators Pons, decided to realize his dream for many years. They secretly engaged in the study, the most-Pons began in the kitchen experiments, after the experimental device to move to the basement floor of the University of Utah. Because it is secret experiments, they can only Zitaoyaobao purchase of equipment and materials.

They know that if the weight of the water in the fusion of deuterium, it will release a neutron. They use a simple detector to detect whether there is a very palladium in neutron radiation. Sometimes this can be detected at the end than some of the high number of neutrons, but only up to the end than the high 50 percent.

As electrochemical, and they are very interested in the heat of the phenomenon. They use me as a constant temperature of hot water bath, the electrolytic cell foam in water bath, measuring electrolytic pool and the water bath temperature, you can know how much heat from the pool released by electrolysis, which can calculate the energy output, exports The energy and input of energy (electricity power) compared to know whether produced a surplus of energy. They found that sometimes the energy output is more than the importation of power, can more than about 25%to 10 ~. They believe that these surplus fusion energy is generated. They reasoned that, if you use a very large pool of electrolysis, will be able to enter the output of heat and electricity to the 4:1 ratio. During the press conference, the "reasoning"as the facts available to the media: 1-Watt 4 watts of power generated heat.

1988, in the use of free time to do a four-year experiment, at their own expense, spent 100,000 U.S. dollars, they still sometimes not only some of the preliminary findings. At this time, they thought should design a series of comparative experiment and change various parameters, such as the use of different forms of electrodes, electrolyte, current strength, and so on, to see under what conditions can get the best results. But to do this series of experiments need to use many of electrolytic cell and other equipment, not the individual can afford. So they submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy funding for a report.

Department of Energy's report gave them some expert assessment. One expert is the University of Utah near the Han Yang Bo Lige University physicist˹

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