Tuesday, May 27, 2008




"physical Manual 3"=Michael - Luoyisenmai Ha Maite - Oz works

I know, seek help at the last moment is whether use. East West psychology can shake pendulum, the station unstable, Chaozhegener Dagou Gun on when the cold steel, Ye Zhao root dry on the tree when forking handrails on the hardwood, you can understand.

set out to this series is No. 3, that popular. Health concerns over the years has been the hot-selling book ever. With the sight of the ageing society, the reform of the medical system and repeated setbacks, but also with an endless stream of large and small, disaster-related mental.

remember many years ago has been a drama in the words of one, said: We are patient, let us take medicine to use their judgement

original link:http://www.huangjiwei.com/blog/?p=2577

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