Tuesday, May 20, 2008



A monk came to the Death Cao Hill before the Zen Master, very curious and asked: "What is Fleuret» Fleuret what way? "

The Death Jackson said: "This is not ordinary Fleuret after Cuilian from the steel sword."

Monks continue to ask: "That used to happen?"

The Death Jackson said: "Every both funerals!"- Fleuret At present, everyone will have lost the perseverance.

Xiang Liaoxiang monk, asked: "encounter will be killed and did not encounter how kind?"

The Death Jackson replied: "poll will fall!"- The same Duanchu also allow all those concerned about self-cultivation.

Close to the monks do not doubt asked: "No power of the sword blade on both funerals it was natural. Peng Budao will head the floor I do not understand! Please master discovery."

The Death Jackson replied: "This Fleuret on the characteristics of the 'empty', of course, can come to an end of all things, of Habitat."

Monk asked: "How come to an end after all this?"

The Death Jackson replied: "self-cultivation in addition to all the people chopped worried about, really is not without the realm of only after that did have such an all-conquering Fleuret!"

Tingyao Gun is a road of no return, many people go one way and, after the last shake is not obsessed, is obsessed by extreme metal. . .

In a variety of extreme metal, death metal music is my recent favorite - and this music, really like the Death Jackson said that all things can come to an end in and of Habitat, both on the funeral Fleuret. . .

In the past two days have been listening to In Flames this year's new album "A Sense
Purpose ", it feels like its own beast into a Litaiwuqiong M, in time for the marine, in the bottomless abyss of evil, in addition to the universe of hundreds of millions of light years from top to bottom search, hard to find. . .

It felt like Yukio Mishima in the "Golden Pavilion Temple,"to quote the main character Mizonokuchi was the ultimate escape "Rinzai recorded"in that part of Chan Yu: "to the field, on who they kill. On God God kill, kill on the ancestral ancestors on parents killing their parents, every Qinjuan kill Qin Juan, before they can obtain relief. Informal to the body and

original link:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4921222001009dz4.html

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