Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The history of the cattle construction contractor


Source:Beichuan the Deng family, "Ambrose Primary School"a miracle no one died behind the truth

Author: Li Chengpeng

Before the earthquake

After the earthquake

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story here has not really entered the core, because, if the day of the Deng family as the primary schools in the North-one in a matter of seconds, as was Zhenkua, later to become legends of long-distance Fan Yue also does not exist, the day of student Not dead, not even any serious injuries, I understand that Nazuo decades, the official name is "Ambrose primary schools of hope"of the teaching building floor, not only did not collapse, the miracle is that even the teaching building positive That 10 meters long, three floors high A small piece of glass walls are not broken, and the earthquake in the House, easily crushed schools teaching hundreds of students than it is a miracle, I am very curious, this is who repair the house »

So I know a

called the "Chinese Dragon"Group of companies, it was 10 years ago, Deng primary donor funded enterprises, the boss called "Ambrose,"general manager called "Xiao-Dong Sun", the Commissioner of the school -- The project is the construction of the then director of the Office of the Group, many people in school talking about the lucky escape, are grateful for the supervision of the "Office"and last night I found the director of the Office, he said a number of Story, but I am determined not disclose his name, do not praise him, because he did not want to cause unnecessary trouble. So Now I can only refer to Mr X and Why to "Ambrose Hope Primary School"in the earthquake in not only breaks the students into the schools » Or that a miracle is the beginning step in what, I was informed that following the situation:

a decade ago, Mr Xiao-Dong Sun and the subordinate Mr X said, "What can not deficit deficit education, you must take the good quality, if not repair floor, something went wrong, you from the company Lane left it. "

2, 10, one day before the Commissioner of the X found that the construction project of cement companies have problems, including soil too much, because X was once a production of cement a company's deputy chiefs, with his hands infusion of cement at least 50 10,000 tons, is absolutely the experts, so he asked the construction company CEOs need to sand the mud-clean, nor can flat stones, building professionals, flat stone mixed with cement in the course of infusion of disasters, cement firm of greatly reduced He Taifaleiting of the construction team, Leng allow them to dump the sand-clean, flat stones to take all the sorting.

Third, the first meeting, he asked the delay period, found that the construction company responsible for people not to look before it was concerned that the failure to make timely payments in place. According to the principle of donations, corporate contributions to local authorities first, and then from the relevant departments under the corporate money to specific to the construction companies, construction companies but not from the relevant departments in time Nadao Qian (presumably specific people can guess This is Chinese-style practices), Mr X was also angry, delight, and finally in place so that money.

40, in stone laying ceremony, due to a time limit also causes a delay, X and angry, he found the relevant departments, argue, September 19, the school finally-to a beautiful new playground, he said That pave the playground after seeing very happy, and the playground That is 10 years after the escape of 483 local students.

that period of time people can always hear the X in the quarrel, in the ignition, the recovery money, when I checked this fact to him, he asked me to the "quarrel"with quotes, otherwise unnecessary Trouble, he said, you know, I can not say too much.

I think I have no need to say too much, a well aware that China hopes that the primary donor of the unspoken rules say that although the students all escape is a miracle, but O'Hanlon of the Group of Mr X through the "quarrel"money "Noisy "to the formal purposes is a miracle, always, is useless to quarrel with the money or can not timely

original link:http://www.hecaitou.net/?p=3021

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