Thursday, April 24, 2008

Japan's popular new wedding guests naked body naked


According to Russian media reports, the recent "Naked Wedding"quietly in Japan beginning of the epidemic, the bride and groom in the wedding do not wear wedding dresses and naked body.

before the wedding, the new people must in terms of clear invitation wedding dress, if necessary, to call once again inform. Wedding hall for the special guests Gengyi Jian prepared to facilitate the replacement of guests and storage of clothing. "Naked"wedding, the couple must be the naked, with the participation of the guests are free to choose to wear or not wear, enthusiastic master of ceremonies generally do not wear clothes, the parents of both the traditional concept of a heavier, will not be making such staggering Moves.

and compared to the traditional wedding, wedding naked body without any special procedures. Guests whether the dress was in accordance with the arrangements were sitting in different regions, do not wear clothes Xuanyi Most of the young people are thinking of avant-garde. During the wedding, enthusiastic master of ceremonies will be encouraged to frequently wear clothes of people take off clothes naked guests sit down at the seat.

participants seemed to have grown accustomed to these, even for such bold moves are very proud. One interviewee said: "A few years ago, new people will be given to shoot some photos of his young friends, some traditional photo shoot gave their elders. If we are young and beautiful, why not do this» "

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