Thursday, April 24, 2008

If there is such a girl you marry her!


where girls can be done any of the following 10, you marry her bar, that's right; can be done any of the following 20, you should strive to Qudao she ah; can be done any of the following 30, also Sipilailian Qudao her; can be done any of the following 40, Pinlelaoming She also Qudao; can be done below 50, it is estimated that this girl has become extinct, is said to be paradise, there are Nengzhaodedao (such girls you Let alone marry her, that is, are you saw a well-)

Article 1: You are her first men.

Article II: from the back holding her sleep, she Guaiguai to Melania libertina together, not passed to see you.

Article 3: for the middle of the night when you wake up Yehao quilts.

Article IV: eat your feeding her delicious things you think and feel delicious.

Article 5: do not ask you do not want her to know anything.

Article 6: You believe that every word, you do not expose the lies.

Article 7: The efforts to adapt to your way of life and the life of the circle.

Article 8: friendly and treat your friends, as they are their friends.

Article 9: In your friends before you face to the foot.

Article 10: do you like her to do the work.

Article 11: the hair to stay long, not hot volumes, not miles of water users, such as hair to harden the Dongdong.

Article 12: the control of diet and exercise to maintain a slender build and Princess Taiping change the status quo.

Article 13: Jian Zhijia for you, you have worry

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