Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Beaufort Sea than 25 log on 12, thanked Lee Huan students


This morning to provide the Chinese students in France Li Huan students in the Paris rally full text of the speech, and then friends and has been providing security for the section of youtubethe same video. Although the network to shorten the geographical distance to the limit, but must understand that information still needs the necessary time. I now also not convinced that video is the impassioned students Li Yuan I, perhaps only rally many students in a statement. However, I feel that he is Lee Huan students, but no matter who he is, I am very grateful to him.

Li Huan

speech by the students I saw, apart from some places on the arguments and I do not agree with, the speech I very much appreciate this. In his lecture, I told him to enjoy more of this expression. Chinese and the French students to create such an event for the Chinese people in France speak loudly that the idea of building their own such a platform, the more I appreciate.

This is the first time, I recognize that French is a very beautiful language. The original French is not only suitable for the situation, and if a person impassioned, it also has such a strong appeal and expressiveness. Not seen in the time of the French Revolution Jielei revolutionaries, but from the style of Lee Huan students of the time in a little scene. French to understand the language of the French to accept the logic of the French habit of ways to express their views, I personally think that Lee Huan as well as students in France, Chinese students are the efforts of more than domestic continuous boycott Carrefour campaign.

Li Huan true students of the Chinese people's views and feelings clearly and accurately conveyed out, and let the people hear and misunderstanding, this is the most important thing. By contrast, facing China Carrefour staff and customers of Carrefour China faces spray saliva, so people feel that unknown. Therefore, Li Huan students, it seems to me is an Example, it is those of us in the country to learn how to express their views, and how to safeguard their rights and interests. At the same time, allow more people to see, if such remarks can be freedom of expression, full of contradictions and misunderstandings humanity itself is very important. Although now on the French politicians and the media have a number of dissatisfaction, but Lee Huan students this stage there is always the freedom of speech, his classmates and fellow brigade of this assembly freedom, this freedom has always been effectively guaranteed. This is the real France, this is where the spirit of free France.

I personally most happy that the students not only Li Yuan itself, but through his restoration of the people's confidence. Li Yuan from the students because I saw was that if the Chinese people have democracy and freedom, and his performance of any democratic society as good citizens. At the same time, as a guest of Chinese students in France, in France, the land of the French media and politicians protest, which also explains what is a universal value, but why put universally accepted. In France only allows the boycott of Japanese products, such freedom is not free. In France allow only stand in front of KFC expression of public opinion, this democracy is not a democracy. Marseille-sang centuries absolutely does not weaken, its reasoning.

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